The Notebook

Another Year…


Another year. That’s it. Just January with a different number after it.


New Business


I don’t do NaNoWriMo. Strange thing, I can easily knock out 100,000 words in a month if I don’t think about it. The second I attach it to an event like that, I can’t scrape more than 80,000, and that only if I try really hard.


So about the middle of November, I decided, because of the holidays and having just finished The Eleventh Hour (The Chivalrous Welshman #10/F), I’d take a crack at another book. This would be its third complete rewrite, and so far, nothing has really made me happy with it. This time, however, I had some inspiration from The Eleventh Hour. I decided to take a particular event in that book and expand upon it in other areas. I hinted at such a thing in the book, but I could not extrapolate within that book without diverging too far from the plot and going out of bounds.


That event proved to be an excellent launching point for the new book. It made things believable, tightened up the plot and characters, and provided some excellent continuity points with The Fifth Horseman. That got me really excited and I was able to power through this book with very little trouble overall.


I haven’t quite nailed down the title of the book or the series, but it will have to do with the wind. The Winds of Change, Second Wind, I don’t know yet. I do have some time to think it over, though, so it’s not a top priority at the moment.


Old Business


Next up is going to be finishing Bearer of Bad News (The Akari-Bearer #1). I had to put that off on account of timing and getting TCW wrapped up. It is almost finished, and it will be ready in time for a July release.


After that is going to be dueling banjos, fresh writing for The Akari-Bearer and The Fifth Horseman. Hooray.


Fun Factoid


In the chapter titles for Wolf Pack, the Ꮩ character is upside down.


Other Business


I think I’m going to reserve this month’s other business until some things have been sorted out. Then we’ll see what kind of news springs up for next month.